Most people usually like to travel at night.they have their own reasons for travel at night,but the most common reason is to save the day time(i.e.,time saving,yaar).depend upon their comfort and economy they will select their mode of travel.I think most people prefer bus journey,because of the availability of tickets and frequent numbers compare with air and railways.people from upper-class and upper middle-class can have the capability to afford air travel. to get a train ticket is equivalent to participate in a gambling and we don't know the result,it's purely depend upon the luck and fate and influence of the person. so the easiest mode of travel is,by road(By Bus). At night,travel by bus is the one which i like most,compare with the other mode of travel(but unfortunately most of my travel was by train only).in bus we will have separate seat for travel(in every mode we ll have separate one,but in others we are forced to adjust with the circumstances,for instance getting lower berth in train).so we feel some freedom, up to the end of the travel that seat will be our home,our room,our world,etc... particularly we don't have chance to sleep well(this statement not suits to everyone).so the night time,cool breeze makes our mind calm and makes us relax. we have lot of time to ruminate our past and present and think about future. Ruminate about our childhood,school life,college days, first love and other crushes,about our friends,about society,politics,nation,about nature,etc.. and there is no end for this list.we have time to think what we have done,doing and what to do. because in this busiest life style we don't have proper time to think about us, we have only small time as idle time and that is in-sufficient for us to relax.so travel,particularly night travel by bus gives at-least some time to ruminate our past life and to think of something which related to our life,and to relax our-self(sometimes don't think of anything and simply sleep gives more relaxation,because some people have some bad memories which make them tense). i think this is the most people thought.this page is not enough to write my words about bus journey at night. so,travel at night particularly road travel by bus is a different experience.Enjoy it. (people who suffered from snoring person as co-passenger,please don't blame me.
Hmmm! Obviously you have a blameless past, coz you enjoy thinking about it! Interesting!